

Not much to say about this, given that similar and sometimes even more powerful tools already exist (see: urlview, urlview, or Suckless' linkgrabber.sh).

So why? Not a specific reason, really, except that I simply wanted to have some fun with Common Lisp.

enters lg..


Run a command:
> tail -n 200 ~/plan/.plan
Then someone else suggested to use [unintenred symbols](http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/02_dhe.htm) instead, as that will not only keep you safe from the previously mentioned problem, but also give you the opportunity to _document_ why the specific form / element got intentionally excluded:
* While releasing `cg`, the created GH release is named `refs/tags/...` -- turns out I was setting the `name` input to `github.ref`: https://github.com/iamFIREcracker/cg/commit/c0c3ef5b17be40872c67709f445dcbc66c1936c2
? migrate `ap` to GitHub actions -- see `cg`
+ migrate `adventofcode` to GitHub actions -- see `cg`
+ migrate `lg` to GitHub actions -- see `cg`
? migrate `plan-convert` to GitHub actions -- see `cg`
? migrate `xml-emitter` to GitHub actions -- see `cg`
Pipe its output into lg to see all the grabbed links...
> tail -n 200 ~/plan/.plan | lg
...or into lg-fzf to be able to send one of the links to the default browser:
> tail -n 7 ~/plan/.plan | lg-fzf
# you select the first link
# http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/02_dhe.htm is opened with $BROWSER


Github: https://github.com/iamFIREcracker/lg